Sunday, June 30, 2019

So how DO we reduce abortion rates?

* Abortion laws don't reduce abortions

* Married women are most likely to get abortions

* Financial and economic injustice, exploitation, oppression and inequality is a major contributor to abortions across the world.

The Surprising New Findings that Could Shape the Pro-Life Movement: New data calls for a new response.

At some point, the Christian church, particularly in parts of USA, is going to have to face up to the fact that patriarchy and systemic gender inequality do not bring down abortion rates - no matter how much you escalate control and coercion over child-bearing women.

If you beat the sheep, they cast their young.

Ezekiel 34

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Why abortion bans don't work - and may have a counter-productive effect

For people who believe that controlling women and keeping them in their place is the key to morality and social order, this is going to pain...