Sunday, June 30, 2019

How structural inequality contributes to abortion

If we set up a social and economic system that:

- directly and indirectly penalises women for becoming mothers

resulting in

- thousands of hours of unacknowledged and unpaid caring work

- less superannuation

- even worse penalties if they're abandoned and become "solo" mothers

- a wage gap

- loss of opportunity and promotion; perhaps even job loss

- poor provision of maternity and paternity leave

- impossible child care arrangements and costs

all resulting in mothers being far more vulnerable to financial inequality, poverty and homelessness - and then, at the same time, assert that "abortion is wrong" ... do you see the contradiction?

Louder, again, so everyone can hear: if you truly wish to care for our unborns better, start with caring for MOTHERS better - including bodily autonomy and sexual self-determination for potential mothers.

"Abortions are a barometer of how safe women feel about bringing new life into the world."
- Crystal Lutton

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